Program Objective


Eligibility Guidelines

New eligibility requirements begin FY2025!

Eligible applicants:

  • 新的和最近成立的以营利为目的的小型企业和非营利组织,其业务总部设在财富坊cff999市
  • 开业3-7年的企业(有财富坊cff999市营业执照证明)
  • 适用于拥有10个或更少全职职位的企业
  • 使用联合办公空间邮箱的企业必须证明在财富坊cff999居住,并持有12个月的住宅租约或房屋所有权证明.
  • 联合办公空间的租户必须至少有12个月的租约. Copy of lease is required.
  • 家庭企业需要财富坊cff999居住证明.
  • Entities of local, state, or federal government, religious organizations, 而住宅企业则被禁止申请.
  • Businesses current with City of Portsmouth taxes and fees

Maximum Grant Award: $5,000


Grant Parameters:

  • “智能启动企业加速资助”是一个配套项目, reimbursement program that requires the applicant to make the initial investment for the full cost of activities; 80% of the eligible costs will be paid as a reimbursement, up to the maximum grant award.
  • Grant purchases must be completed within 90 days of award
    • 在发放赠款协议之前购买和/或支付的款项将不予报销.
  • 补助金将根据可证明的业务开支(例如.g. paid receipts/invoices)
  • 智能启动商业发展补助金的接受者只能在该计划下获得一次资助. 在5年期间内,每个商业主体最多可提交2份资助申请.

Grant Submission Schedule



Round 1: Open July 1 - 31, 2024
Round 2: Open October 1 - 31, 2024
Round 3: Open January 1 - 31, 2025
Round 4: Open April 1-30, 2025

Application & Approval Process

“智能启动企业加速资助”的申请分为三个步骤. 完成的智能启动业务加速拨款申请将提交给财富坊cff999经济发展审查,如果不完整,则不被视为提交. 完成的申请(包含所有所需文件)将被审查,以确定完成状态和遵守程序指南.

批准或拒绝申请属于财富坊cff999经济发展局(EDA)委员会的自由裁量权, 考虑诸如应用程序所考虑的业务活动的程度等因素,以进一步实现程序的目标, the degree of the need for the funding, the level of funding requested, 本财政年度剩余的项目资金数额, 以及监事会认为有关的任何其他因素.

When an application is approved, 申请人将与财富坊cff999财富cff888局签订资助协议, agreeing to accept the approved grant funds. 如受助人需要更改申请中所建议的拨款用途, 受让人必须提前书面通知财富坊cff999经济发展部.

Grant Funding

“智能启动企业加速资助”是一个配套项目, reimbursement program that requires the applicant to make the initial investment for the full cost of activities; 80% of the eligible costs will be paid out as a reimbursement, up to the maximum grant award. “智能启动商业加速补助金”完全由财富坊cff999经济发展局(EDA)资助。. 符合资格的活动仅指本指引第V节规定的活动,且必须直接和主要地使获得资助的企业受益. 任何获批准申请的最高资助额为5,000元. 智能启动企业加速资助的受助人只能在该计划下获得一次资助.
每一财政年度的拨款在资金池用完之前均可提供资金. 所有接受者都需要与财富坊cff999EDA签订一份赠款协议. 接受者有30天的时间开始符合条件的商业活动,并在90天内完成这些活动. 可根据具体情况再延长90天.


所有接受者都需要与财富坊cff999EDA签订一份赠款协议. 接受者有30天的时间开始符合条件的商业活动,并在90天内完成这些活动. 可根据具体情况再延长90天

Eligible Activities

  • 专业和第三方服务,协助建立业务,包括法律, financial, accounting, marketing, social media, e-commerce, etc.
  • 小型生产/制造设备、机械、工具等.
  • 技术和数字基础设施(硬件、软件、数字平台等.)
  • Business furniture and fixtures

Ineligible Activities

  • Wages, benefits, payroll expenses
  • Rent, debt service
  • Operating costs (utilities, insurance, etc.)
  • Real estate improvements
  • Supplies and inventory
  • Residential-use furniture
  • Decorative items (wall art, decor, etc.)

Required Documentation For Application


  • Completed IRS Form W-9
  • Copy of City of Portsmouth business license
  • Copy of "Articles of Organization" from the Virginia SCC
  • 完整的商业计划,包括使用赠款资金的解释 Santa Clara MOBI Business Plan Template 
  • 每个产品/服务的两个报价,您将与赠款资金购买
  • Financial Statements